
What my amazing clients say!

I cannot thank Brooke enough for everything she has done for my daughter and I. The support Brooke offered was, and still is, a massive reason I am still standing today. The first day I met Brooke I was a broken soul. I was so tired (from what we had been through), I could hardly string a sentence together. I will never forget the warmth in Brooke’s words and her smile, assuring me that we were going to be OK. Brooke saved me” 

- Deb 

I started seeing Brooke after I finished treatment for Breast Cancer. At that time I was 40, a mother of two young children and I felt like a bomb had exploded in my life. Brooke helped me to identify the strong emotions I was feeling and how to manage them. Brooke also helped me to identify and become clear on what was meaningful to me and what was purposeful in my life. For me, this was honestly life changing! I continue to see Brooke every month, even now that I am a few years down the track, and I gain so much every time

- Alisha

“Brooke is caring, compassionate and kind. Brooke has an amazing way of helping me to realise that no matter what has happened in my life, my power is in my present moment, and that I am capable of being exactly who I want to be. Through seeing Brooke, I realised my true potential and I recommend Brooke to anyone who is looking to realise theirs.” 

– Lou 

“Brooke is an incredibly warm, empathetic therapist who makes you feel comfortable and supported from your first session together. Resource therapy was new to me and Brooke spent the time answering my questions and teaching me how the therapy works in a way that has been accessible and empowering. Brooke meets you wherever you are at and focuses on your unique needs, goals and strengths. I have gained so much from our work together already and I always look forward to the next session. Thank you, Brooke!” 

- Alana B 

“Brooke is extremely down to earth and makes you feel at ease. Brooke’s therapy is different – Brooke understands you not just as client, but as a unique individual with your own issues. Brooke has made an impact on the way I look at myself… For the first time I get closure and answers to why and how I can change. Resolution is what I have experienced. And real empowerment too. Brooke is empowering and has empathy, whilst being very professional. I have never found a Therapist like Brooke, who is not scared of my very complex issues. I recommend Brooke, especially to domestic violence victims. “ 

- Monika 

“After a very difficult start to the year we were so happy to find Brooke! My daughter feels listened to and has been able to explore her feelings and process some of the difficult things she has been through. Brooke has been so kind and helpful, we can’t thank her enough for all the support! “ 

- Katy 

“Just wanted to say thank you so much again for my appointment last week. Your kindness and warmth have created such a supportive and safe space for me to begin processing some really difficult things. I have also found the steps and values work to be very helpful! I am so grateful that we have connected and I am excited to keep working together.” 

– Alana 

“Thank you, Brooke, for everything you do for me. You have made such a difference to my life and I feel so lucky to have found you!!!” 

– Nicki 

“Brooke has a fantastic way of understanding life. Brooke helped me to find the clarity to my issues and pinpoint what was causing me pain - something that I never really knew. I highly recommend Brooke to everyone”. 

- Sue

“Hey Brooke,  I’m working 12 hours days at the moment, and everything is going great, I’ve been really happy, relaxed and much less stressed and moody.  I wanted to take a second to say thank you, especially for teaching me the “I’m noticing the feeling of (emotion)” technique.  It really helped me today when I felt a strong feeling of jealousy and sadness, it allowed me to make space and process that what I was actually experiencing was the fear of not being enough. Because of you I managed to do it without crying or having an intense reaction, which is a whole new ballgame haha.  So thanks again, I’ll hit you up for a regular session again when I finish in 4-6 weeks. “

- Maddi

“Hi Brooke, I have been feeling so much better since our last session which is absolutely amazing, I feel like my outlook has changed completely which I did not expect. Thank you so much as always.

- Al